Statement | Range | Description |
#TITLE{...}; | (String) | Specify title.
#TITLE{title}; |
#SIGN{...}; | [A-G][+#-b]?m? | Specify key scale and set default key signitures group.
#SIGN{Fm}; fgab<cdef; // Set key signitures as Fm (flats on b,e,a and d) |
#REV{...}; | (octave|volume) | Reverse the octave or/and volume shift signs.With 'octave' option, the '<' is octave down and the '>' is octave up. With 'volume' option, the '(' is volume down and the ')' is volume up. Without any options (write only '#REV;'), reverse both meanings.
#REV; cdefgab>c; // Same as "cdefgab<c" |
#MACRO{...}; | (static|dynamic) | Spesify how to expand a macro in a macro. With 'static' option, expand in the macro definitions (default). With 'dynamic' option, expand when its expand.
#MACRO{static}; #A=cde;#B=Afg;o5B; #A=gfe;o4B; // Expand as "o5cdefg; o4cdefg" #MACRO{dynamic}; #A=cde;#B=Afg;o5B; #A=gfe;o4B; // Expand as "o5cdefg; o4gfefg" |
#VMODE{...}; | (n88|mdx|mck|tss|%x|%v) | Set all tracks %x and %v commands.
#VMODE{n88}; v15cv12cv9c; // v command on log scale |
#TMODE{...}; | (unit|fps|timerb)=?n | Specify the unit of 't' command. With 'unit' option, t command parameter is divided by specifyed number. With 'fps' option, t command based on frames per beat. The 'timerb' option sets supplied clock speed (kHz) by n value, t command is based on OPMs timerB register value for 1/192 note.
#TMODE{unit=100}; t10050cde; // t10050 means bpm=100.5 #TMODE{fps=60}; t30cde; // t30 means 30[frames/beat](bpm=120) |
#QUANTn; | 1 - (8) | Specify the maximum value of 'q' command. The default value of 'q' is 75% of the maximum value.
#QUANT16; q8cde; // Set maximum value of 'q' to 16 |
#FPSn; | 1 - 1000 (60) | Specify the default value of '@fps' command.
#FPS100; // Set default value of '@fps' to 100 |
#END; | Ignore text after this command.
#END; Ignore text here. |
C, Am | (no key signifures) |
G, Em | f+ |
D, Bm | f+, c+ |
A, F+m, F#m | f+, c+, g+ |
E, C+m, C#m | f+, c+, g+, d+ |
B, G+m, G#m | f+, c+, g+, d+, a+ |
F+, F#, D+m, D#m | f+, c+, g+, d+, a+, e+ |
C+, C#, A+m, A#m | f+, c+, g+, d+, a+, e+, b+ |
F, Dm | b- |
B-, Bb, Gm | b-, e- |
E-, Eb, Cm | b-, e-, a- |
A-, Ab, Fm | b-, e-, a-, d- |
D-, Db, B-m, Bbm | b-, e-, a-, d-, g- |
G-, Gb, E-m, Ebm | b-, e-, a-, d-, g-, c- |
C-, Cb, A-m, Abm | b-, e-, a-, d-, g-, c-, f- |
Statement | Range | Description |
#[A-Z]=...; | (MML text) | Define macro.Write '#ABCD=c;' or '#A-D=c;' to set macros A,B,C,D to 'c'.
#A=cde; l8AAgedAd; // Expand as "l8cdecdegedcded" #A-C=cde; l8ABgedCd; // Expand as "l8cdecdegedcded" |
#[A-Z]+=...; | (MML text) | Add text to macro.Write '#ABCD+=c;' or '#A-D+=c;' to add 'c' to macros A,B,C,D.
#A=cde; #B=efg; #AB+=fg; l8AB; // Expand as "l8cdefgefgfg" |
Statement | Range | Description |
#WAVBn{...}; | n;0 - 255 | Define the wave shape by hex refer from SCC sound module (%4). The hex is expressed with unsigned char (-128=0x80, -1=0xff, 127=0x7f).
#WAVB0{36454d4b41362f303639332309efd9cc362f220df2d9c8c3c6cbccc6bab0aeb7}; %4@0 cde; |
#WAVn{...}(formula...); | n;0 - 255 | Define the wave shape by array of numbers refer from SCC sound module (%4). The number of entries is 32, and the entrie are between -128 and 127. When the number of entries are less than 32, remains are filled up with 0.
#WAV0{(0,127)8,(127,-128)16,(-128,0)8}; %4@0 cde; |
#WAVCOLOR/#WAVCn{...}; | n;0 - 255 | Define the wave shape by wave color refer from SCC sound module (%4). The wave color is an unsigned int hex expressing 7 draw bars(from 8th to 1st) of Hammond organ by each 4bits. The 4 MSBs are the wave shape number.
#WAVCOLOR0{08400f0f}; %4@0 cde; |
#TABLEn{...}(formula...); | n;0 - 254 | Define the envelop teble refer from the commands of @@,na,np,nt,nf,_@@,_na,_np,_nt and _nf. The range of entry is depended on the commands.
#TABLE0{(64,0)5,(32,0)5,(16,0)5}; q8 na0 cde; |
Statement | Range | Description |
#@n{...}(sequence...); | n;0 - 255 | Write the parameters specifyed in @al,@fb and @ commands (Except for this command, you can specify decimal number in parameter 'multiple'. This dicimal number is corresponding to the 2nd argument of @ml command). The number of operators depends on the number of parameters, 1 operator for 18 parameters, 2ope for 33param, 3ope for 48param and 4ope for 63param. See also @al command.
#@0{ alg[0-15], fb[0-7], fbc[0-3], (ws, ar, dr, sr, rr, sl, tl, ksr, ksl, mul, dt1, detune, ams, phase, fixedNote) x operator count }; %6@0 cde; |
#OPL@n{...}(sequence...); | n;0 - 255 | Write the parameters of OPL3. The number of operators depends on the number of parameters, 1ope for 13param, 2ope for 24param, 2ope for 35param, 4ope for 46param. See also @al command about algorisms.
#OPL@0{ alg[0-3], fb[0-7], (ws[0-7], ar[0-15], dr[0-15], rr[0-15], egt[0,1], sl[0-15], tl[0-63], ksr[0,1], ksl[0-3], mul[0-15], ams[0-3]) x operator count }; %6@0 cde; |
#OPM@n{...}(sequence...); | n;0 - 255 | Write the parameters of OPM. The number of operators depends on the number of parameters, 1ope for 13param, 2ope for 24param, 2ope for 35param, 4ope for 46param. See also @al command about algorisms.
#OPM@0{ alg[0-7], fb[0-7], (ar[0-31], dr[0-31], sr[0-31], rr[0-15], sl[0-15], tl[0-127], ks[0-3], mul[0-15], dt1[0-7], dt2[0-3], ams[0-3]) x operator count }; %6@0 cde; |
#OPN@n{...}(sequence...); | n;0 - 255 | Write the parameters of OPNA. The number of operators depends on the number of parameters, 1ope for 12param, 2ope for 22param, 2ope for 32param, 4ope for 46param. See also @al command about algorisms.
#OPN@0{ alg[0-7], fb[0-7], (ar[0-31], dr[0-31], sr[0-31], rr[0-15], sl[0-15], tl[0-127], ks[0-3], mul[0-15], dt1[0-7], ams[0-3]) x operator count }; %6@0 cde; |
#OPX@n{...}(sequence...); | n;0 - 255 | Write the parameters of OPX. The number of operators depends on the number of parameters, 1ope for 14param, 2ope for 26param, 2ope for 38param, 4ope for 50param. The range of alg depends on the number of operators. See also @al command about algorisms.
#OPX@0{ alg[0-15], fb[0-7], (ws[0-7], ar[0-31], dr[0-31], sr[0-31], rr[0-15], sl[0-15], tl[0-127], ks[0-3], mul[0-15], dt1[0-7], detune[], ams[0-3]) x operator count }; %6@0 cde; |
#MA@n{...}(sequence...); | n;0 - 255 | Write the parameters of MA3. The number of operators depends on the number of parameters, 1ope for 14param, 2ope for 26param, 2ope for 38param, 4ope for 50param. The range of alg depends on the number of operators. See also @al command about algorisms.
#MA@0{ alg[0-7], fb[0-7], (ws[0-31], ar[0-15], dr[0-15], sr[0-15], rr[0-15], sl[0-15], tl[0-63], ksr[0,1], ksl[0-3], mul[0-15], dt1[0-7], ams[0-3]) x operator count }; %6@0 cde; |
// Modify filter and quantize settings when change tone in a sequence. #@0{ 8, 0, 0; 16, 40, 0, 34, 34, 0, 13, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; 1, 34, 28, 0, 0, 15, 35, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; 4, 63, 63, 0, 0, 0, 42, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 36, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0; } @f96,2,32,72q4; %6@0 cdefedc;
Statement | Range | Description |
#SAMPLERn{waveID, oneShotFlag, pan, channelCount, startPoint, endPoint, loopPoint}; | n;0 - 127 waveID;String oneShotFlag;0,1(0) pan;-64~64(0) channelCount;1,2(2) startPoint;Number(-1) endPoint;Number(-1) loopPoint;Number(-1) |
Specify note number of this sample by n, and specify id string by waveID. When oneShotFlag is 1, the sound does not stop by gate time. The pan sets panning of this sample, The channelCount sets stereo or monoral. Refer the appendex about startPoint, endPoint and loopPoint. |
Statement | Range | Description |
#PCMWAVEn{waveID, samplingNote, keyRangeFrom, keyRangeTo, channelCount, startPoint, endPoint, loopPoint}; | n;0 - 255 waveID;String samplingNote;0,1(0) keyRangeFrom;0~127(0) keyRangeTo;0~127(127) channelCount;1,2(2) startPoint;Number(-1) startPoint;Number(-1) loopPoint;Number(-1) |
Specify PCM voice number by n, and specify id string by waveID. The samplingNote sets sampling point, keyRangeFrom and keyRangeTo set keyboard range of this wave. The channelCount sets stereo or monoral. Refer the appendex about startPoint, endPoint and loopPoint. |
Statement | Range | Description |
#PCMVOICEn{volumeCenterNote, volumeKeyRange, volumeRange, panCenterNote, panKeyRange, panRange, ar, dr, sr, rr, sl}; | n;0 - 255 volumeCenterNote;0-127(4) volumeKeyRange;0-127(0) volumeRange;-128~128(0) panCenterNote;0-127(64) panKeyRange;0-127(0) panRange;-128~128 ar;0~63 dr;0~63 sr;0~63 rr;0~63 sl;0~15 |
Specify PCM voice number by n, and changing rate of volume and panning by note number. And last 5 arguments set envelope. See appendex. |
Statement | Range | Description |
#FM{...}; | (formula) | Connect channels after this command (see also @i,@o commands). Following sequences are indexed alphabetically and discribe the connections by "+"(mixing) and "(...)"(modulating). Write 'An(B)' to connect A frequency modulated by B (n(0-7);degree of modulation,default as n=5(this value is same modulation as an OPM does)), and 'A+B' to mix A and B, (You can abbreviate '+'). So 'A(B+C)' means A modulated by mixed output of B and C. #FM{B3(A)}; %5q8s63cde; %5q2cde; // same as "@o1%5q8s63cde; @i3%5q2cde;" |
Statement | Range | Description |
#EFFECTn{...}; | (MML for effector) | Connect effector to specifyed slot. The value of n=0 is for master effect.
// Connect LPF->delay to Slot1.EffectSendLevel=32. #EFFECT1{lf3000delay300,32,1}; @v64,32q0cder; // Slot0 is the master effect. Effects final output. #EFFECT0{autopan}; q0$cdefed; // Slot1 output is connected to Slot2 by send_level of 64. #EFFECT1{dist}@v128,64;#EFFECT2{delay}; %11@v0,32 cder; |
Statement | Range | Description |
eqlg,mg,hg,lf,hf | lg;Low gain[%](100) mg;Middle gain[%](100) hg;High gain[%](100) lf;Low freq.[Hz](800) hf;High freq.[Hz](5000) |
3Band EQualizer |
wsdist,level | dist;Distortion[](50) level;Output level[%](100) |
Wave Shaper |
delaytime,fb,cross,wet | time;Delay time[ms](200) fb;Feedback[%](25) cross;Stereo channel crossing(0) wet;wet level[%](100) |
reverbdly1,dly2,fb,wet | dly1;Long delay time[%](70) dly1;Short delay time[%](40) fb;Feedback[%](80) wet;wet level[%](100) |
chorustime,fb,depth,wet | time;Delay time[ms](20) fb;Feedback[%](50) depth;Depth[](200) wet;wet level[%](100) |
distpre,post,lpf,slope | pre;PreGain[dB](-60) post;PostGain[dB](-12) lpf;LPF Freq[Hz](2400) slope;LPF Slope[oct](1) |
DISTortion |
compthres,wnd,ar,rr,gain,level | thres;Threshold[%](70) wnd;Window Width[ms](50) ar;Attack[ms](20) rr;Release[ms](20) gain;Max gain[db](6) level;output level[%](50) |
COMPressor |
autopanfreq,depth | freq;Frequency[Hz](1) depth;Panning width[%](100) |
stereowide,pan,phase | wide;enhancement[%](140) pan;Panning(0) phase;Phase invert(0) |
STEREO enhancer |
dsfreq, bits, ch | freq ; Freq.Shift(0) bits ; bit ratio(16) ch ; channel count(2) |
Down Sampler. Freq.Shift=0 sets 44.1kHz, 1 sets 22.05kHz, 2 sets 11.02kHz ... |
speakerhardness | hardness ; diaphragm hardness[%](10) | SPEAKER simulator |
lffreq,band | freq;Frequency[Hz](800) band;band width[oct](1) |
Low pass Filter |
hffreq,band | freq;Frequency[Hz](5000) band;band width[oct](1) |
High pass Filter |
bffreq,band | freq;Frequency[Hz](3000) band;band width[oct](1) |
Band pass Filter |
nffreq,band | freq;Frequency[Hz](3000) band;band width[oct](1) |
Notch (band stop) Filter |
pffreq,band | freq;Frequency[Hz](3000) band;band width[oct](1) |
Peaking Filter |
affreq,band | freq;Frequency[Hz](3000) band;band width[oct](1) |
All pass Filter |
lbfreq,slope,gain | freq;Frequency[Hz](3000) slope;slope[oct](1) gain;gain[dB](6) |
Low Booster |
hbfreq,slope,gain | freq;Frequency[Hz](5500) slope;slope[oct](1) gain;gain[dB](6) |
High Booster |
nlfcut,res | cut;cutoff table index(255) res;resonance table index(255) |
ENvelope controlable Low pass Filter |
nhfcut,res | cut;cutoff table index(255) res;resonance table index(255) |
ENvelope controlable High pass Filter |
vowelout,f1,g1,f2,g2 | out;output[%](100) f1;1st freq.(800) g1;1st gain[dB](36) f2;2nd freq.(1300) g2;2nd gain[dB](24) |
Vowel filter |
Statement | Range | Description |
tn | 1 - 511 (120) | (Tempo)Specify BPM.This command changes the BPM of all channels wherever this command is written in, initial/default value is 120. In the 2nd repeat of '$' command, the 't' command is ignored. You can change the tempo in the repetition of "[]" command.
t100cde t200cde; |
$ | (segno)Repeat infinitely.Repeat from this command point when the playing pointer achieves to the end of the sequence.
l8 $cde; // "cdecdecde..."(repeat infinitely) |
[...|...]n | 1 - 65535 (2) | (loop)Loop.Specify repeating count at the end of '[...]'. Repeat 2 times when you omit the repeating count. When you write '|' command inside of loops '[...]',the pointer skips a sequence after '|' command in the last repetition. You can specify the repeating count at both of the start '[' and the end ']', but the number at the end has priority. [Recommended] Specify the repeat count at the end except for some special cases.
l8 [cd|e]3; // "cdecdecd" |
@mask | 0 - 63 (0) | (event MASK)Ignore mask for the events.Ignore some events after this command. initial/default value is 0 (see below appendex).
@mask1 v1c; // ignore "v1" |
[A-Z] [A-Z](n) |
-128 - 127 (0) | Expand macro.Expand the macro defined by "#[A-Z]". The expantion is note-shifted when you specify the argument after this command. The expansion way of the macro in macro is specifyed by '#MACRO{dynamic|static}' command.
#A=cde; l8 AAA; // expand as "cdecdecde" #A=cde; l8 AA(2)A(-2); // expand as "cdedef+>b-<cd" |
// ... | Comment.Ignore the text after '//'.
// Comment |
/* ... */ | Multi-line comment.gnore the text between '/*' and '*/'.
/* Comment */ |
![n...!|...!] | 1 - 256 (2) | [NOT RECOMMENDED] You can expand the loop when its comiping. You cannot nest this loop and the maximum value of repitation is 256. |
Statement | Range | Description |
[a-g][+#-]?n | 1 - 1920 (default value is specifyed by "l" command) | (note)Specify notes. From 'c' to 'b' are corresponding to the notes. Shaped by '+', '#' and flated by '-' after these notes. You can specify the length of note by argument and apply the value specifyed by 'l' command when you abbreviate the paremeter. The '#SIGN' command makes shapes and flats in some notes.
#SIGN{G}; cdef-gab<c // natural on 'f'. |
rn | 1 - 1920 (default value is specifyed by "l" command) | (Rest)Specify rest. You can specify the length of note by argument. Same as notes.
cder cder gedcdedr; |
on | 0 - 9 (5) | (Octave)Specify octave. The center frequency 440kHz is 'o5a'. The initial/default value is 5.
o4[co5c] // plays 'o4c o5c o4c o5c'. the 'o' command is little strange at the entry of the loop. |
[<>]n | 1 - 9 (1) | (octave shift)Increment/decrement octave value. '<' increments octave and '>' decrements octave in the default setting. The meaning is inverted when '#REV' command appears. This command is ignored when the octave is out of range(0-9).
o4c<c<c // plays 'o4c o5c o6c' o4[c<c] // plays 'o4c o5c o4c o5c'. the '<' command is also strange at the entry of the loop. |
kn | -8192 - 8191 (0) | (Key detune)Key detune. The unit of argument is a halftone divided by 64. The initial/default value is 0.
k-2cde; k2cde; |
ktn | -128 - 127 (0) | (Key Transpose)Key transpose. The unit of argument is a halftone. The initial/default value is 0.
cde; kt7cde; |
* | (pitch bend)Pitch bending. This command makes intergradation between two notes.
c*<c; // pitch intergradation for 1 octave |
pon | 0- | (POrtament)Portament. This command makes intergradation between two notes connected by slur. The stating timing of intergradation is different from pitch bending, it starts at 2nd notes attack. The argument sets intergradation term in frames. The initial/default value is 0.
po6l8c&g&f& |
!@krn | -8192 - 8191 (0) | [NOT RECOMMENDED] (Key detune Relative)Relative key detune. |
!@nsn | -128 - 127 (0) | [NOT RECOMMENDED] (Note Shift)Relative key transpose. |
Statement | Range | Description |
ln | 1 - 1920 (4) | (Length)Specify default value of note/rest length.'l1' means whole, 'l4' means quarter, 'l16' means 16th. The initial/defanult value is 4.
cder l8cder l16cder; |
^n | 1 - 1920 (default value is specifyed by "l" command) | (extension)Extension of note length. Increment note/rest/l commands argument. The default value is specifyed by "l" command.
c4^16; // play c with a length of 'quarter + 16th' |
qn | 0 - 8 (6) | (Quantize) Quantize.Specify the timing of key-off. 'q0' sets key-off at the timing of key-on. 'q4' sets key-off timing at the half length. 'q8' sets no key-off. The initial/default value is 6.
q0cr q4cr q8cr; |
@qn1,n2 | 0 - 192 (0) | (Absolute Quantize)Quantize specifyed by the absolute value/The dekay of key-on timing. The 1st argument sets key-off timing by the absolute value (The unit is a whole note divided by 192). The 2nd argument delays the timing of key-on. The initial/default value is 0. [SPECIFICATIONS]When the slur command appears with a setting of [key-on delay]>0, SiOPM ignore the key-on delay of the 1st note and the slur of the 2nd note.
q8 @q48cr @q24cr @q0cr; // same as "q0cr q4cr q8cr" q8 @q,24 o5c2c2; q0 l8o4[8c]; // The timing of key-on delays 8th. |
& | (slur)Slur. This command ignores the key-off, so the next note is played smoothly. The envelop and wave phase is NOT reset at the beginning of 2nd note.
cd&e; // No key-off between "d" and "e" c&c; // No phase reset, so the boundary cannot be recognized. #TABLE0{(0,128)90};na0 c&d&e; // No envelop reset. |
&& | (weak slur)Weak slur. This command ignores the key-off. The envelop and wave phase is reset at the beginning of 2nd note.
c&&c; // Phase reset at the beginning of 2nd note, so the boundary can be recognized. #TABLE0{(0,128)90};na0 c&&d&&e; // The envelop reset at the beginning of 2nd note. |
Statement | Range | Description |
vn | 0 - 32 (16) | (Volume)Volume. 'v0' makes silent and 'v16' sets at the maximum. 'v16-32' makes wave shape distorted. The inital/default value is 16.
%5 v4c v8c v12c v16c v20c v24c v28c v32c; |
[()]n | 1 - 32 (1) | (volume shift)Increment/decrement volume. '(' increments volume and ')' decrements volume at the default setting. The meaning is inverted when '#REV' command appears. This command is ignored when the volume is out of range(0-32).
v1l8 c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c)4c)4c)4c)4c; |
xn | 0 - 128 (128) | (eXpression)Expression. The initial/default value is 128. 'x0' makes silent and 'x128' sets at the maximum. The table envelop commands for expression (na,_na) overwrite this value, so the value specifyed by this command is ignored when the 'na' or '_na' appears.
v8 x32c x64c x96c x128c v4 x32c x64c x96c x128c; // "v" and "x" are independent. see below appendex. |
%vn1,n2 | n1=0 - 4(0) n2=0 - 7(4) |
(Volume setting)Volume setting.The 1st argument represents scaling mode, 0=linear, 1-4=non-linear(log scale, dynamic range of 96dB,64dB,48dB,32dB respectively. The 2nd argument represents maximum value of 'v' command as (256>>[n2]). default value = 4 (means v max@16). This setting is applyed also on volume shift command.
%v3,1 v128c v96c v64c v32c; // non-linear scale(dr=48dB),v command max@128 |
%xn | 0 - 4(0) | (eXpression setting)Expression setting.The argument represents scaling mode, 0=linear, 1-4=non-linear(log scale, dynamic range of 96dB,64dB,48dB,32dB respectively. This scale is applyed also on table envelop.
%x1 x128c x120c x112c x104c; // non-linear scale(dr=96dB) |
@vn1,...n8 | 0 - 128 (n1=64/n2-n8=0) | (m@ster Volume)Master volume and effect send level. The initial/default value is 64 for n1 and 0 for others. The n1 sets the master volume of this channel, and n2-n8 sets effect send level to the #EFFECT slot. The n1 value is also independent from 'v' and 'x' values.
@v64 v4c v8c v12c v16c @v32 v4c v8c v12c v16c; // "@v" and "v" (and "x") are independent. see below appendex. #EFFECT1{chorus}; @v64,32 cde; // [effect send]=32 for effect slot #1 (chorus) |
pn | 0 - 8 (4) | (Panning)Panning. 'p0' sets output left only, 'p4' centers panning, 'p8' sets output right only. The initial/default value is 4. [Argument of '@p'] = ([Argument of 'p'] - 4) x 16. p0c p2c p4c p6c p8c; |
@pn | -64 - 64 (0) | (fine Panning)Fine panning. '@p-64' sets output left only, '@p0' centers panning, '@p64' sets output right only. The initial/default value is 0.
@p-64c @p-32c @p0c @p32c @p64c; // same as above |
Statement | Range | Description |
%n1,n2 | n1; 0 - 9 (0) n2; 0 - 7 (0) |
(module)Select sound module. The sound module type specifies on the 1st argument and the channel number specifies on the 2nd argument. This command changes the meanings of '@' commands 1st argument.
%0c %1c %2c %3c; |
@n1,...n15 | n1; 0 - 1023 (0) | (tone)Select/Modify tone color. Select tone color and modify operator settings. This command has 15 arguments(can be abbreviated, see below appendex). The meaning of 1st argument depends on sound module type(1st argument of "%").
%5 @0c @1c @2c @3c @4c @5c @6c @7c; // select wave shape by 1st argument @0,32,28,28,28,2,0 cde; // modify envelop by 2nd-7th arguments. |
@fn1,...n10 | n1; 0 - 128 (128) n2; 0 - 9 (0) |
(Filter)Modify filter. Modify the filter and its envelop. The 1st argument sets cut-off and the 2nd argument sets resonance. This command has 10 arguments(can be abbreviated, see below appendex).
%2 @f64,3 q0 c; // noise with LPF(cutoff=64, resonance=3) @f0,2,32,32,32 cde; // filter envelop specifyed by 3rd-10th arguments |
%fn | n; 0,1,2 (0) | (Filter)Filter mode. 0=low-pass, 1=band-pass,2=high-pass filter for envelop.
%f2 @f96 cde; // high pass filter |
sn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 63 (28) n2; -256 - 255 (0) |
(Sustain sweep)Modify release rate. The 1st argument sets the release rate of final carrior operator. The 2nd argument sets pitch sweeping after key-off. [Pitch sweep speed[halftone/frame]] = [2nd argument] / 21 q4 s63cr s32cr s24cr s20cr s12cr; q4 s28,-32cde; // pitch sweep after key-off |
@aln1,n2 | n1; 1 - 4 (1) n2; 0 - 15 (0) |
(ALgorism)Select connecting algorism. The 1st argument sets the number of operators, the 2nd argument sets connecting algorism (see below appendex). The initial number of operator is 1. In this case the output is simple wave (not frequency modulated). This command initializes all settings of all operators. The default value of 2nd argument is the parallel connecting argorism (2ope;alg=1, 3ope;alg=5, 4ope;alg=7).
%5 @al2,0 cde; // 2ope frequency modulating connection [o1(o0)] |
@fbn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 7 (0) n2; 0 - 3 (0) |
(FeedBack)Modify feedback connection. The 1st argument sets feedback,the 2nd argument sets the index of operator feedback from (If you want multi-operator feedback like OPX, specify 2nd argument).
%5 @al2,0 @fb5,1 cde; // feedback from 2nd operator [o1(o0(o1))] |
in | 0 - 3 (last operators index) | (operator Index)Select operator to modify. This command chooses a operator for '@','@rr','@tl','@ml','@dt','@ph','@fx' and '@se' commands.
%5 @al2 i0@0 i1@1 cde; // The operator#0 outputs sin wave and the operator#1 outputs saw wave. |
@rrn1,n2 | n1;0 - 63 (28) n2;-256 - 255 (0) |
(@ Release Rate)Same as 5th argument of '@' command.The 2nd argument sets pitch sweep after key-off (same as 2nd argument of 's'). |
@tln | 0 - 127 (0) | (@ Total Level)Same as 7th argument of '@' command. |
@mln1,n2 | n1;0 - 15 (1) n2;-128 - 127 (0) |
(@ MuLtiple)Same as 10th argument of '@' command.The 2nd argument sets non-integral harmonics. [frequency ratio] = [1st argument(In the case of "0"->0.5)] + [2nd argument] / 128 |
@dtn | -8192 - 8191 (0) | (@ DeTune)Same as 12th argument of '@' command.'k' modifies all operators, and '@dt' modifies only one operator specifyed by 'i'. |
@phn | -1 - 255 (0) | (@ PHase)Same as 14th argument of '@' command. |
@fxn | 0 - 127 (0) | (@ FiXed note)Same as 15th argument of '@' command. |
@sen | 0 - 17 (0) | (@ SSG Envelpe control)Emulate SSGEC Register of OPNA.The argument of 16 and 17 are extension of SiOPM. 16;Argument=8 with same gain repetition, 17;Argument=12 with same gain repetition. |
@ern | 0 , 1 | (@ Envelop Reset)Envelop reset.The argument of 1 sets envelop to bottom at the begin of attack. This parameter sets all operators. |
1st argument of '%' | 1st argument of '@' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'%0' PSG | Emulation for AY-3-8910/SN76489. The pitch is also PSG emulated (poor pitch for high note/narrow pitch range). @0-2 is available.
'%1' NES | Emulation for NES pAPU(2a03). The pitch is also PSG emulated (poor pitch for high note/narrow pitch range). @0-11 is available.
'%2' Noise | Noise unit. Select noise type by @0-15.
'%3' MA3 | Wave shape from YMU762(MA3) (same as OPL3/OPX from @0 to @7). Select wave shape by @0-31.
'%4' WaveTable | Emulation for KONAMI SCC chip. Use wave shapes defined by #WAV, #WAVB. Select wave shape by @0-255. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'%5' all | All wave shapes. Select wave shape by @0-511.
'%6' FM | Emulation for frequency modulation sound module. Load setting defined by #@, #OPL@, #OPM@, #OPN@, #OPX@ and #MA@. Select voice by @0-255. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'%7' PCM | Sampling wave module. Play mp3 data loaded internaly. Select bank by @0-255. 'o5a' is original frequency.
'%8' Pulse | Pulse wave (duty changable square wave) unit. Select duty ratio by @0-15 or @16-31.
'%9' Ramp | Ramp wave. Interplation of saw and triangle wave. @0=upward-saw -> @64=triangle -> @127=downward-saw
'%10' Sampler | Sampler module without pitch control. Play mp3 data loaded internaly. You can select wave by note number like a drum track of MIDI sound module.
'%11' PMS Guitar | Physical Modeling Synthesize GuitarPhysical Modeling Synthesizer with Karplus-Strong alogrism.
@ [ws], [ar], [dr], [sr], [rr], [sl], [tl], [ksr], [ksl], [mul], [dt1], [detune], [ams], [phase], [fixed pitch]
n1; | (Wave Shape)Select tone color[0-1023]. See above appendex. |
n2; | (Attack Rate)Output amplification speed after key-on[0-63(63)]. Small values for slower attack. No rising edge (becomes maximum suddenly) for ar=63. Slowest rising for ar=1. |
n3; | (Decay Rate)Output attenuation after achieving maximum[0-63(0)]. Small values for slower decay. dr=63 makes Sustain Level suddenly after attack. dr=0 keeps maximum output until key-off. |
n4; | (Sustain Rate)Output attenuation after achieving Sustain Level[0-63(0)]. Small values for slower sustain. sr=63 makes silent suddenly after achieving Sustain Level. sr=0 keeps Sustain Level until key-off. |
n5; | (Release Rate)Output attenuation after key-off[0-63(28)]. Small values for slower release. rr=63 makes silent suddenly after key-off. rr=0 makes keeps output until next note. same as '@rr'. |
n6; | (Sustain Level)Output level of changing point from dr to sr. This is relative value with Total Level[0-15(0)].[Changing point level]=[argument]x-1.5[dB] |
n7; | (Total Level)Maximum output level of envelop[0-127(0)]. [Maximum level]=[argument]x-0.375[dB]. Same as '@tl'. |
n8; | (Key Scale Rate)Correction faster envelop for higher pitch[0-3(0)]. 0.4[rate/octave] for ksr=0, 0.8 for ksr=1, 1.6 for ksr=2 and 3.2 for ksr=3. |
n9; | (Key Scale Level)Correction lower output for higher pitch[0-3(0)]. No correction for ksl=0, -0.15[dB/octave] for ksl=1;,-0.3 for ksl=2 and -0.6 for ksl=3. |
n10; | (Multiple)Multiplier for wave frequency[0-15(1)]. x0.5 for mul=0. Same as '@ml'. |
n11; | (Detune1)Parameter 'dt1' of OPM/OPN[0-7(0)]. Fine detune. 0-3 for pitch up and 4-7 for pitch down. |
n12; | (Detune)Detune [-8192-8191(0)]. The unit is same as 'kt'(64 for 1 halftone). Same as '@dt'. |
n13; | (Amplitude Modulation Shift)The width of Amplitude Modulation('ma' command) [0-3(1)]. ams=0 sets the amplitude modulation off. |
n14; | (Phase)Wave phase at the timing of key-on[0-255(0)]. ph=255 makes no phase reset on key-on. ph=-1 randamizes. [phase]=[argument]/128*PI. Same as '@ph'. |
n15; | (Fixed note)Fix wave frequencey. fx=0 makes not fixed. The argument of 60 means 'o5c'. Same as '@fx'. |
Operators | Algolism |
1 | ![]() |
2 | ![]() |
3 | ![]() |
4 | ![]() |
alg:0 | alg:1 | alg:2 | alg:3 | alg:4 | alg:5 | alg:6 | alg:7 | |
2ope | @al2,0 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 | @al2,0 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 |
3ope | @al3,0 | @al3,1 | @al3,2 | @al3,3 | @al3,3 | @al3,4 | @al3,3 | @al3,5 |
4ope | @al4,0 | @al4,1 | @al4,2 | @al4,3 | @al4,4 | @al4,5 | @al4,6 | @al4,7 |
alg:0 | alg:1 | alg:2 | alg:3 | alg:4 | alg:5 | alg:6 | alg:7 | |
2ope | @al2,0 | @al2,1 | error | error | error | error | error | error |
3ope | @al3,0 | @al3,3 | @al3,2 | @al3,2 | error | error | error | error |
4ope | @al4,0 | @al4,4 | @al4,8 | @al4,9 | error | error | error | error |
alg:0 | alg:1 | alg:2 | alg:3 | alg:4 | alg:5 | alg:6 | alg:7 | |
2ope | @al2,0 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 | @al2,0 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 | @al2,1 |
3ope | error | error | @al3,5 | @al3,2 | @al3,0 | @al3,3 | @al3,2 | @al3,2 |
4ope | error | error | @al4,7 | @al4,2 | @al4,0 | @al4,4 | @al4,8 | @al4,9 |
alg:0 | alg:1 | alg:2 | alg:3 | alg:4 | alg:5 | alg:6 | alg:7 | alg:8 | alg:9 | alg:10 | alg:11 | alg:12 | alg:13 | alg:14 | alg:15 | |
2ope | @al2,0 | @al2,0 @fb0,1 | @al2,1 | @al2,2 | error | error | error | error | error | error | error | error | error | error | error | error |
3ope | @al3,0 | @al3,0 @fb0,1 | @al3,1 | @al3,2 | @al3,3 | @al3,3 @fb0,1 | @al3,5 | @al3,6 | error | error | error | error | error | error | error | error |
4ope | @al4,0 | @al4,0 @fb0,1 | @al4,1 | @al4,2 | @al4,3 | @al4,3 @fb0,1 | @al4,4 | @al4,4 @fb0,1 | @al4,8 | @al4,11 | @al4,6 | @al4,6 @fb0,1 | @al4,5 | @al4,9 | @al4,12 | @al4,7 |
@f [co], [res], [ar], [dr], [sr], [rr], [co2], [co3], [sc], [rc]
n1; | (Cutoff Freq.)Cut off frequency[0-128(128)]. 128 for full open. |
n2; | (Resonance)Resonance[0-9(0)]. 0 for no resonance, 9 for maximum. |
n3; | (Attack Rate)Attack[0-63(0)]. The changing speed from Cutoff Freq. to Cutoff Freq.#2. ar=0 keeps Cutoff Freq. ar=63 changes suddenly. |
n4; | (Decay Rate)Decay[0-63(0)]. The changing speed from Cutoff Freq.#2 to Cutoff Freq.#3.dr=0 keeps Cutoff Freq.#2. dr=63 changes suddenly. |
n5; | (Sustain Rate)Sustain[0-63(0)]. The changing speed from Cutoff Freq.#3 to Suatain Freq. sr=0 keeps Cutoff Freq.#3. sr=63 changes suddenly. |
n6; | (Release Rate)Release[0-63(0)]. The changing speed from key-off to Release Freq. rr=0 keeps cutoff frequency at key-off. rr=63 changes suddenly. |
n7; | (Cutoff Freq.#2)Cutoff frequency #2[0-128(128)].2nd cutoff frequency after Attack. |
n8; | (Cutoff Freq.#3)Cutoff frequency #3[0-128(64)].3rd cutoff frequency after Decay. |
n9; | (Sustain CutOff)Cutoff frequency after Sustain[0-128(32)].4th cutoff frequency. This frequency is kept until key-off. |
n10; | (Release CutOff)Cutoff frequency after key-off[0-128(128)]. The cutoff frequency changes into this value after key-off, when rr>0. |
// PCM sound module can control pitch.<c>rccgf.f.<c;
// Sampler assigns a wave on each note. %10v16l8cre4cce.c16rc16c16ercce.e16; %10o4l16[v16c8cv12c]8v16f1;
@0,[ar],[dr],[tl],[pitch],[ws]When the 1st argument is 0, voice is defined by following 5 arguments.
@1,[FM voice number]
@2,[PCM wave number]When the 1st argument is 1 or 2, the 2nd argument specifies FM voice number or PCM wave number, respectively. In this case, you can use FM voice or PCM wave as a plunk noise.
Statement | Range | Description |
%tn1,n2,n3 | n1; - (0) n2; 0 - 3 (1) n3; 0 - 3 (1) |
(event Trigger)Event trigger setting. This command is used to interlock with ActionScript. The 1st argument sets trigger ID, 2nd argument sets trigger type for note on and 3rd argument sets trigger type for note off. |
%en1,n2 | n1; - (0) n2; 0 - 3 (1) |
(dispatch Event)Dispatch note on event once. This command is used to interlock with ActionScript. The 1st argument sets trigger ID, 2nd argument sets trigger type. |
Statement | Range | Description |
@lfon1,n2 | n1; 1 - (20) n2; 0 - 3 (2) |
(Low Frequency Oscilator)Setting of LFO. The 1st argument sets time cycle of LFO (60=1[sec]) and 2nd argument sets wave shape (0;downward saw, 1;square, 2;triangle, 3;random, 4-7;phase invered 0-3, 8-255;refer #TABLE). When you refer #TABLE, the table length is 256 and the value is ranged in 0-255. This command initilaizes settings of 'mp' and 'ma' ("mp0ma0").
@lfo30 mp32c1 @lfo10 mp32c1 |
mpn1,n2,n3,n4 | n1; 0 - 8191 (0) n2; 0 - 8192 (0) n3; 0 - 65535 (0) n4; 0 - 65535 (0) |
(Pitch Modulation)Setting of pitch modulation (Vibrato). This command swings pitch by LFO. n1(modulation) and n2(end modulation) values are on 64=1 halftone.n3(delay) and n4(changing time) values are on frame count.
mp8,32,60,40 c1^1 |
man1,n2,n3,n4 | n1; 0 - 8191 (0) n2; 0 - 8192 (0) n3; 0 - 65535 (0) n4; 0 - 65535 (0) |
(Amplitude Modulation)Setting of volume modulation (Tremolo). This command swings volume by LFO. n1(modulation) and n2(end modulation) values are same as Total Level when ams=3. The width of modulation depends on 'ams' parameter of each operator. n3(delay) and n4(changing time) values are on frame count.
ma0,32,60,40 c1^1 |
Statement | Range | Description |
@fpsn | 1 - 1000 (default value is specifyed by #FPS) | (Frame Per Second) Setting of frame counter. This command sets the speed of '@@','na','np','nt','nf','_@@','_na','_np','_nt','_nf','po','@rr','mp' and 'ma' by frame per second.
#TABLE0{(0,12)30}; q8 nt0 @fps30 c1 @fps120 c1; |
@@n1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(tone envelop) Tone color number changing by table. This overwrites '@' by table during key-on.
#TABLE0{(0,32)32}; q8 %3 @@0,5 c1^1; // Changes tone color from '%3@0' to '%3@31' for 5 frames each. |
nan1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(Amplitude ENvelop) Volume envelop by table. This overwrites 'x' by table during key-on.
#TABLE0{(128,0)10 (64,0)10|(32,0)10}; na0q8 l2cde; |
npn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(Pitch ENvelop) Pitch envelop by table. This controls 'k' by table, but it is independent from 'k' commands value.
#TABLE0{(0,128,-64,0)60}; np0q8 c1; |
ntn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(noTe ENvelop) Note changing by table. This controls 'kt' by table, but it is independent from 'kt' commands value.
#TABLE0{|0,4,7}; nt0 cde; // high speed arpeggio by table |
nfn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(Filter ENvelop) Filter envelop by table. This controls '@f' by table, but it is independent from '@f' commands value.
#TABLE0{|(128,64,128)20}; nf0 c1; // Wah-wah |
_@@n1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(release tone envelop) Tone color number changing by table after key-off. This overwrites '@' by table after key-off.
#TABLE0{|1,5};q4 %5 _@@0 cdef; |
_nan1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(release Amplitude ENvelop) Volume envelop by table after key-off. This overwrites 'x' by table after key-off. When you want control envelop after key-off only by this command, you have to set 's0' because this command is independent from '@rr' or 's'.
#TABLE0{32}; _na0 q4s0cder _na255x0c; |
_npn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(release Pitch ENvelop) Pitch envelop by table after key-off. This controls 'k' by table after key-off, but it is independent from 'k','s' and '@rr' commands value.
#TABLE0{(0,64,0)20}; _np0 q4cde; |
_ntn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(release noTe ENvelop) Note changing by table after key-off. This controls 'kt' by table after key-off, but it is independent from 'kt' commands value.
#TABLE0{|0,3,7}; _nt0 q4cde; |
_nfn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
(release Filter ENvelop) Filter envelop by table after key-off. This controls '@f' by table after key-off, but it is independent from '@f' commands value.
#TABLE0{(0,128)20}; _nf0 q2cde; |
!nan1,n2 | n1; 0 - 255 (255) n2; 1 - 65535 (1) |
[NOT RECOMMENDED](Amplitude ENvelope) Relative volume envelop. This command adds table values on original 'x' value. |
#TABLE0{|0,4,7}; nt0,1c nt0,2c nt0,5c; // 2nd argument sets speed
Statement | Range | Description |
@on1,n2 | n1; 0 - 2 (0) n2; 0 - 3 (0) |
(Output pipe)Pipe output. You can connect channels by '@i' or '@r' after this channel. The 1st argument sets output mode (0;Normal stereo output, 1;Overwrite pipe, 2;Add pipe). The 2nd argument sets output pipe index(0-3). @o1 %5q8s0 cde; @i5 %5 cde; |
@in1,n2 | n1; 0 - 7 (5) n2; 0 - 3 (0) |
(freqency modulating Input pipe)Pipe input as a modulator of FM connection. You can use the data in pipe as a modulator of FM connection.
The 1st argument sets modulation (0-7, 0;off, 5;modulation of OPM). The 2nd argument sets input pipe index(0-3).
@o1 %5q8s0 cde; @i3 %5 cde; // frequency modulation |
@rn1,n2 | n1; 0 - 8 (4) n2; 0 - 3 (0) |
(Ring modulating input pipe)Pipe input as a modulator of Ring modulation connection. You can use the data in pipe as a modulator of Ring modulation connection.
The 1st argument sets modulation (0-9, 0;off, 4;modulation of C64 SID chip). The 2nd argument sets input pipe index(0-3).
@o1 %5q8s0 cde; @r5 %5gab; // ring modulation |